Please join me in congratulating Anthony Manfredi on his promotion to Fleet Manager of all Oaks Family of Brands companies. Anthony joined our team just under a year ago as an Operations Supervisor for Oaks Dumpster Rental, and has been responsible for our westside territory. He has been instrumental in contributing to the success of our overall operations on the dumpster team, but most specifically the expansion of our dumpster business as a multi-state operation with the opening of our Erie and Pittsburgh, PA markets. In addition to managing his 7 drivers and trucks, he graciously took on the responsibility of fleet coordinator for the company, where our fleet has more than doubled during this time frame. He has put several controls in place to manage our fleet, worked with our insurance provider, the DMV and the DOT to be sure we are in compliance, managed the new hire approvals process for company owned vehicles, and the LENS program as well as our relationship with the NYS DOT.
Anthony has a strong attention to detail, the patience of a saint and the ability to figure out the most complicated of laws and challenges during these unprecedented times. The ODR team truly appreciates his work on our team and all that he has and will contribute as we all continue to grow and expand.
Please congratulate him as you have the opportunity and communicate with him whenever possible. Anthony and his newly formed vehicle maintenance team will be working hard to figure out how to keep us all moving as safely and efficiently as possible.
Congratulations Anthony and we look forward to more spreadsheets and cost savings to come!